Food should be fun and never more than when you’re young
We all want our children’s lives to be as worry free as possible - days playing, climbing trees, splashing in muddy puddles, hours in their imaginary worlds, sneaking treats and creating mischief.
I founded Little Bandits because, like so many children, Jonah has food allergies. He knows he’s different but I started to see a time when he might, at worse, start to feel excluded.
As Jonah was growing and I was looking for more convenience, I found it really hard to find food he loved to eat that was also healthy and great tasting. I was determined that his diet should not mean he missed out on fun, convenient treats. And so I decided I’d make some myself and Little Bandits was born!
My purpose is to make life easier for you and all families. I’m just at the start of an exciting journey but would love you to be part of that journey so do sign up to join our gang so we can keep in touch.